API Documentation

Working with attachments

Uploading attachments

Uploading an attachment is done in 4 steps:

    1. Create the attachment object
    1. Upload the file to S3 storage
    1. Update the attachment object with the file’s storage path
    1. Link the attachment to the relevant object (e.g., tasks, comments) by updating it with the attachment_id


This example will use case of attaching attachment to a comment in order to showcase all the necessary steps.

Step 1 - Creating the attachment object:

POST https://api.productive.io/api/v2/attachments

Request body will have to specify information about the attachment; name you want to use, content type, size and attachable_type.

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "name": "file.pdf",
      "content_type": "application/pdf",
      "size": 1234,
      "attachable_type": "comment"
    "type": "attachments"

Step 2 - Uploading the file to S3 storage:

Response of this request will contain aws_policy field with all the necessary information for file upload.

"aws_policy": {
  "key": "attachments/files/002/592/959/original/file.pdf",
  "success_action_status": "201",
  "x-amz-algorithm": "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256",
  "x-amz-credential": "AKIAJUS2LA6R66ZPRGVA/20230309/eu-west-1/s3/aws4_request",
  "x-amz-date": "20230309T091615Z",
  "x-amz-signature": "a5f58e21f5a9ceae407c8f183a0e8d8262a5dee4e1283b2db9fef8f975ceadbe",
  "x-amz-security-token": "long_token_value",
  "policy": "long_policy_value",
  "Content-Type": "application/pdf"

Upload request must contain form data with all the fields from aws_policy and your file.

POST https://productive-files-production.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com

Example of the request using curl:

curl -X POST \
  -F "key=attachments/files/002/592/959/original/file.pdf" \
  -F "success_action_status=201" \
  -F "x-amz-algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256" \
  -F "x-amz-credential=AKIAJUS2LA6R66ZPRGVA/20230309/eu-west-1/s3/aws4_request" \
  -F "x-amz-date=20230309T091615Z" \
  -F "Content-Type=application/pdf" \
  -F "x-amz-signature=61ba2467b8ff183ab2c7793b865367a3452bb158fdcf6a96000f1897b08404ee" \
  -F "x-amz-security-token=long_token_value",
  -F "policy=long_policy_value" \
  -F "File=@path/to/file.pdf" \

Step 3 - Updating the attachment object with the file’s storage path:

In the response of your file upload you will see an URL inside the Location tag


That URL should be patched into the attachment under temp_url

PATCH https://api.productive.io/api/v2/attachments/{id}

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "temp_url": "https://productive-files-production.s3.amazonaws.com/...file.pdf"
    "type": "attachments"

Step 4 - Linking the attachment to the comment by updating it with the attachment_id:

PATCH https://api.productive.io/api/v2/comments/{id}

In the body add attachment in the relationships array:

"attachments": {
  "data": [
      "type": "attachments",
      "id": "attachment id"

Accessing attachments

Accessing attachments programatically requires authentification with the API token.

This is done with query parameter token through https://files.productive.io endpoint.

For example:

GET https://files.productive.io/attachments/files/002/592/959/original/file.pdf?token=f80b89b3-16ab-4958-afdc-6979a4eb2207

Generated by aglio on 26 Mar 2025